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Need a Profiler Plan B?
Tired of having to share a thermal profiler across different soldering operations? Add the affordable V-M.O.L.E. 2 four-channel profiler to the mix for time-saving efficiency.
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3 Ways to Increase Plasma Uniformity
Process temperature is the most important parameter in the plasma process. Process temperature has primary control over etch rate and has a secondary effect on etch uniformity. Read more.
Plasma Etch
Ask the Experts Member |
Simon Smith
Marketing Manager
Pillarhouse International Ltd
Mr. Smith has been in the electronics industry for over 30 years, the last 21 in the Selective Soldering field. He has progressed from electronics design, through after sales and now marketing.
Simon Smith has submitted responses to the following questions.
Mixing Different SAC305 Solders
In theory yes you can mix suppliers, however we have had issues where compliant SAC305 actually had various 'anti-dross' agents ...
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