
Need a Profiler Plan B?
Tired of having to share a thermal profiler across different soldering operations? Add the affordable V-M.O.L.E. 2 four-channel profiler to the mix for time-saving efficiency.

3 Ways to Increase Plasma Uniformity
Process temperature is the most important parameter in the plasma process. Process temperature has primary control over etch rate and has a secondary effect on etch uniformity. Read more.
Plasma Etch

Ask the Experts Member


Greg Hueste

Senior Applications Engineer
Speedline Technologies

Greg joined Electrovert in February 1984. Based out of the Electrovert applications laboratory in Camdenton Missouri, Greg has been in the process applications support role since 2000. His primary responsibilities include providing process and machine applications support for the wave soldering lines as well as process, machine and operations training. He also provides applications support for the reflow and cleaner lines. Greg is a PBET certified trainer and holds two patents on wave solder nozzle design.

Greg Hueste has submitted responses to the following questions.
Define Blow Holes
Yes blow-holes are a defect for class 2 & 3 but not for class 1.Blow-holes are caused by poor through ...
Solder Deposits on Components During Wave Soldering
It is not normal for the solder to stick to the SMT components. This sounds like there is not enough ...
Leaded Solder on ROHS Compliant Parts
Can't really answer that unless I know if the assembly is a RoHS part or not. If this assembly is ...
Zinc in solder
Zinc is a undesirable element in solder alloy so it has no role in the alloy composition. The max amount ...
Preheat problems with mixed technology process
There are many factors in the wave process that can affect the soldering of components. I doubt that preheat is ...
Impact of humidity on wave soldering process
Low humidity is not a problem and is recommended to keep the humidity level down to 40% or less in ...
Spray fluxer in wave solder
It's really very simple, the cleaner should be the same as the solvent in the flux. If the flux you ...
Wave soldering LCDs
Many of our customers wave solder LCD displays on their circuit boards without any problems of thermal damage. All of ...
Cleaning residue after wave solder process
There was not any mention of the type of no-clean flux used in the process or the amount of flux ...
Clean before wave soldering
Cleaning PCB's before wave soldering is certainly not a normal procedure. The only reason I can think of that would ...
Changing PCB finish from FR2 OSP to FR4 HASL-Lead Free
Pin holes as well as blow holes are usually a sign of excess moisture in the PCB or poor PTH ...
HASL and solder mask process?
If solder mask is applied over HASl it will fail because the solder will re-melt under the mask during reflow ...
Reflow and wave soldering OSP Boards
Yes, this is very common with OSP boards and even more so if you are using a lead-free alloy. IPC ...
Wave Soldering creating blowhole
Blowholes are caused by outgassing of flux, mositure or other organics in the PTH. So I don't understand your statement ...
Reflow oven profilers
Well, I am the wave solder guy but I do work with reflow from time to time and I can ...
Removing oxidation from partially assembled boards
You may have to use a higher solids flux that is more active to remove the oxides. This could also ...
Can we pour left over paste into the solder pot?
Don't really want to do that, your much better off if you just sell it back to your paste vendor. ...
Interested in using Immersion silver PCB's for RoHS compliance?
1. What is the best way of handling the PCB's? You should never handle the boards with bare hands as ...
Can we convert our existing wave soldering machine to use lead free?
Once you have changed the solder bath to leadfree you cannot run products with leaded solder on them or you ...
Average Temperature/Humidity for an Electronics Assembly Facility?
Both temperature and humidity affect the workers comfort, equipment and the process. High temperatures can make equipment run hotter which ...
What is the best method to select a spray fluxer?
There are 5 areas that I would look at to evaluate a spray fluxer. 1. Maintenance requirements: Look for a ...
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