January 29, 2021

VIEWPOINT 2021: Matthias Fehrenbach, CEO, Eutect GmbH

VIEWPOINT 2021: Matthias Fehrenbach, CEO, Eutect GmbH
Matthias Fehrenbach, CEO, Eutect GmbH
How has Covid-19 affected your business in 2020?
Of course, with Covid-19 we had to change how we go about our daily lives, both personally and professionally. But to us this challenge is as an opportunity to rethink. We have accepted this responsibility, and we are already seeing the positive impact. New structures, processes and employees are helping us to work more effectively today.

Has the pandemic affected your business plans for 2021?
Due to our competence in selective soldering automation and our customer-specific modular solutions, we can adapt very dynamically to the changing market and changing demand.

Additionally, we have expanded our viral presence and our website with a lot of additional information. For example, our EUTECT solutions expertise and the EUTECT online store. With the innovations and opportunities developed in 2020, we will further expand our digital interaction with our customers and partners next year and offer new technological possibilities.

What are your expectations for the electronics assembly industry next year?
I expect that many companies have learned from this new situation and have at least reflected once again on their values and goals. This creates new perspectives and approaches. If nothing else, it leads to a new way of working together and, above all, understanding one another. As a result, and also due the continuous technological advancement, I expect a clearly positive market development for active companies in 2021.

Matthias Fehrenbach, CEO
Eutect GmbH
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