Ask the Experts
June 3, 2014 - Updated
May 29, 2014 - Originally Posted

Chip Bonder Certification

We are planning to certify a new chip bonder supplier. We plan to do a shear test and compare the results with our the current chip bonder. What other approval tests should we perform?


Expert Panel Responses

Shear testing will give you anidea of the strength of the connection, but certainly other machine specifictests should be looked at. Whether the bonder is automated or manual,placement accuracy tests are important. We always verify our bonders usingglass verniers to prove placement accuracy. Automated bonders willnormally have a method of capturing that data. Manual equipment may require adifferent test - such as a Gauge R&R using multiple operators. This willprovide a standard deviation from operator to operator using the sameequipment. In addition, thermal tests shouldbe considered. Depending on your chemistry, there will likely be top and/orbottom heat, controlled force and other process parameters as well (ultrasonic,dispense, etc). Validating desired settings vs. actual settings such astemperature, force and dispense volume could prove vital to your future yield. Lastly, long term testingis worth the time and expense to ensure that a new machine does not have anyongoing detrimental effects on a product’s quality. An example of thiswould be accelerated life cycle testing.

Neil O'Brien
Sales Director
Neil O'Brien has worked in the field of electronic manufacturing equipment for over fifteen years and is currently Sales Director for Finetech, a manufacturer of precision rework systems and die bonders.
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