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Ask the Experts
July 5, 2011 - Updated
July 5, 2011 - Originally Posted

BGA Pad Lifting

After reworking BGA components that use thermal grease we sometimes notice pad lifting. Can the BGA pads be repaired? Any suggestions?

B. W.

Expert Panel Responses

When you say pad, are you talking about the pad on the board? If so, the board would need to go to a board repair facility. If you are talking about the ball on the BGA itself, there are several kits available that would allow you to re-ball the component.

Stephanie Nash
Integrated Ideas & Technologies, Inc.
Stephanie Nash is the Director of Technical Services & Marketing for Integrated Ideas & Technologies, Inc., a premier manufacturer of SMT stencils. She has been instrumental in the stencil design and technical support.

My Opinion: I suggest on preventing the Pad lift not the repair

Keshava Murthy
Process Engineer
Bosch Automotive Electronics India Ltd.
Keshava Murthy is a Process Engineer in the PCB assembly industry working in Bangalore, India.

Pad damage at BGA sites can be repaired reliably following the IPC 7711/7721 Repair guide, procedure 4.7.3 Surface Mount, BGA Pad Repair, Film Adhesive Method. This is a very common occurrence and with a skilled Operator the repair process can be performed to very high level.

Andy Price
Sales Engineer
Circuit Technology Center
Mr. Price has been a key member of the team at Circuit Technology Center since 1985. He has vast expertise, experience and understanding of complex circuit board rework, repair and modification operations. He is one of the most knowledgeable experts in this area across the globe.
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